USA kosmosejõudude logo meenutab paljudele Star Treki sümbolit
USA president Donald Trump avalikustas reedel USA kosmosejõudude logo, mis paljude hinnangul on kopeeritud Star Treki teleseriaalist tuntud sümboli pealt.
"Pärast konsultatsioone meie sõjaväeliidrite, disainerite ja teistega on mul hea meel esitleda USA kosmoseväe, meie suursuguse sõjaväe kuuenda haru uut logo," kirjutas Trump Twitteris, kuhu oli lisanud ka pildi uuest logost.
After consultation with our Great Military Leaders, designers, and others, I am pleased to present the new logo for the United States Space Force, the Sixth Branch of our Magnificent Military!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 24, 2020
Paljud Twitteri-kasutajad panid tähele, et logo sarnaneb väga Star Trekis nähtud logoga, vahendas BBC.
1960. aastatel eetris olnud teleseriaali näitleja George Takei kirjutas Twitteris: "Me ootame selle eest mingisugust honorari..."
Ahem. We are expecting some royalties from this...
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) January 24, 2020
Teinegi Twitteri-kasutaja naljatles, et kosmosejõud kopeerisid Star Treki kodutööd.
So apparently Space Force is boldly going where a few men (and Lt. Uhura) have gone before?
— Peter Botte (@PeterBotte) January 24, 2020
Ahem. We are expecting some royalties from this...
— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) January 24, 2020
Samas osad sotsiaalmeedia kasutajad tõid välja, et logo põhineb tegelikult USA õhujõudude omal.
For those excitedly tweeting that Trump stole the Star Trek logo!!!!, the patch on the left was the existing Air Force Command logo.
— John Noonan (@noonanjo) January 24, 2020
The same one I wore as a Lieutenant in 2005.
It's from the Space Command logo that's been used by the Air Force since 1982. Still an awesome coincidence! I love Star Trek!
— Jason Riley???? (@OMGROFLOLJK) January 25, 2020
This "new logo" is a variation of the Air Force Space Command emblem which seems logical as AFSPC became the US Space Force. What I don't understand is why the 6th military branch emblem has "Department of the Air Force" on it.
— E L M (@bstpplrdogs) January 24, 2020
Toimetaja: Merili Nael